PurFire specializes in the efficient and smoke-free processing of slash and debris into ash without chipping, hauling, or use of accelerants. We serve Northern and Central California and offer our services to HOA’s, property owners, ranchers, farmers, and land-owners. We can process any green or dry woody material from fuels reduction operations, site clearing, utilities maintenance, and landscaping. We are Air Quality monitored and CAL FIRE compliant and can operate on selected days outside of the California burn season.

  • Working with PurFire is an efficient way to quickly process slash and debris into ash.

    PurFire uses a patented Air Burner to quickly reduce large amounts of slash to ash which can then be spread or buried. The process is efficient; the Air Burner runs on fewer than 3 gallons of diesel per day and can process up to 100 cubic yards of slash per day.

  • PurFire has its own 500-gallon fire truck and excavator at each burn.

    Every PurFire operation is attended by our regulation 500-gallon fire engine. Our staff is trained to operate the engine in the event of an emergency. Every PurFire burn area is prepped for optimum defensible space around the Air Burner.

  • Each PurFire burn is contained in an Air Burner, a patented air curtain burner that burns slash and debris without smoke.

    All slash and debris is burned within the Air Burner. The container is situated over level ground and is sealed to the ground around all edges. The patented air curtain recirculates embers and smoke back into the burn container.

  • Working with PurFire is easy. All you need to do is ready your slash and debris to the best of your ability and we do the rest.

    PurFire handles all permitting needed for your burn. All you have to do is call and we’ll do the rest. PurFire provides the equipment and the trained labor for each burn. We can transport slash to a staging area, cut material down to size, and bury the resulting ash.

We Burn Year Round. Call us for an estimate. 209.962.0474